Noel Le Chat

Sunday, April 30, 2006


This is my idea of a Sunday afternoon... Not sure about Dirty Dancing 2 on DVD though... No one leaves baby in the corner

New Collar!

Looks like I'm offically a member of the household now.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Day In The Life Of Me


I'm a bit disorientated what with all this moving... But James and Cassie haven't left the house yet today so I'm guessing they've not had to go to work. James says he is going to try and upload a video of me today, but don't hold your breath, I'm not sure he knows what he is doing... He is also going to print some pictures out for Gail in Canada, I don't know who that is, but she has two dogs so I doubt I'll be buying a ticket.

Monday, April 24, 2006


So that all my friends can see how I am getting on in my new home, I've set up a little webcam, quite easy really. Only time I'll be unavailable is when James or Cassie are looking up obscure actors on Internet Movie Database!


Having kept my new owners Cassie and James up all night I thought I'd get a little catnap this morning, so I'm hiding out under the sofa :)

I've moved!

One of the people that came to see me last Sunday came around again today, I thought perhaps this may become a regular thing... But then I was put in a carrier, and then a car... I then arrived in a new home.

The lady that has looked after me for the last few months said goodbye and left me here with my blanket, and all my belongings, so it looks like I will be here for a while!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Animal Hospital

This evening I had a trip on the bus, I seemed to be the only cat on the bus, and was surrounded by people, who kept looking at me. When we got off the bus, we went into a place full of other animals, we sat there for a while and then went into a little room.

They got me out of my box and put me on the table, I think this is the same place I went a few weeks ago where I had an injection. It hurt a little but my owner knew the person doing it so I let them do it. This time they put what I think they call a 'Microchip' into me, it hurt a little and they stuck it between my shoulders, which is quite annoying because however hard I try, I can't look at it or touch it. From what I could make out it is so I don't get lost in my new home.

I've just got safely back to my bedroom, I thought this was my new home, but perhaps I'm moving again :(

Hmm... anyway It's been a long day and I'm ready for bed.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Who are they?

Two people came to see me this afternoon.

The lady that looks after me at the moment since my mum went away got me out of my cage and handed me to another nice young lady. I'm very shy infact I've been a nervous since I was a kitten, but she seemed nice so I let her cuddle me, while the other person patted me on the head.

I've never received so much attention, except when I was hiding alone at my old home. The people stayed for a while, but then went again. I wonder who they were?